
We are taking off our masks and getting back to the office. It has been a long and exhausting journey. Here are a few ideas for a path to renewal. Perhaps one (or more) will work for you

Address it head-on
Addressing conflict head-on can be a game changer. Embracing disagreements can save years of therapy and legal fees. Often the impulse is to avoid conflict at all costs and run for the hills. It is important to remember families are diverse, conflict is natural and, in the end, conflict resolution makes you stronger and more resilient.

How to know when it is time to get help for your family business governance.
Most family run enterprises hold onto the past to preserve family values and honor the vision of the founders. This does not mean you have to run the business the same way the founding generation did. “We have always done it this way” does not need to be your mantra. Don’t wait until there is conflict to make changes.